How to write a blog and especially a professional blog? How do I to make it known? What subjects of articles do I choose? If you want to start the adventure of writing a blog, you will necessary ask yourself these questions somewhere along the line. 

Even if writing a blog became more difficult than few years ago, you can succeed. Do not worry, Esokia gives you some advices to know how to write a blog. 


Advice n°1: to write a blog, define its goal and your target

First, do not start the adventure without a goal. Writing a blog requires a real investment. Without a goal, investment could be negligible. So, ask you the right questions:

  • Is it to make known your expertise?
  • Do you want to have new clients?
  • Is it just for the pleasure to share your knowledge?
  • Etc.

The theme of your blog will be closely connected to your own expertise, but also to your target. At Esokia and as many other people of the domain, we work on the basis that to write a clear blog, you have to be specialized in a field. 

Once your field is defined, you need to find a blog name and buy a domain name if it is possible. The name of your blog must be just like you (funny, serious…), and also be retain easily. Your domain name is a plus for your blog if you want to bring it to a successful place.

Then, you need to choose a platform that will host your website. You can opt for blog hosts as WordPress (at Esokia we are fans of this CMS which also has a free online version). But you can also host your blog on a server and then use an application (also possible with WordPress)!


Advise n°2: work meticulously on your content

The most important rule is to write a content with the eyes of the reader. Create articles that you would like to read. But also think in a professional way and ask you how to write a professional blog. Different types of content can be published on a professional blog:

  • Short articles on external resources: videos, infographics from other websites, etc.
  • Short articles of personal analysis: on trends, news, etc. 
  • Articles of more in-depth analysis

Generally, it is on these last articles that you will spend more time. They are supposed to bring you more traffic. So, they need to give a new information to your community and to Internet users interested by your activity. Here’s some rules to respect:

Rule n°1: write interesting content or do nothing. Stay professional and publish your content only if you are convinced by what you wrote. And before all, avoid the inopportune promotion or you community could get bored quickly!

Rule n°2: post regularly! Writing a blog requires to work often. If you go on vacations and you do not publish nothing for weeks, your readers won’t be waiting for you! And if you publish often, you will make Google happy. 

Rules n°3: write a readable article, so it will be more enjoyable to read. And think to summarize your ideas. Clarity before all! Also, be aware of the spelling mistakes…

Rules n°4: make Internet users want to read your articles with eye-catching titles! Some catchphrases work better than others: 5 tools to do that, 3 steps to be successful in your thing, etc. And do not forget to mix an enjoyable writing and a beautiful design which will satisfy the eye of your readers and make them want to be back. 

Rules n°5: work your articles optimizing them for Search Engine Optimization (if you do not know what it is, we explain you here). Also think to your keywords and your funny content creation. Writing a blog and being on the first Google results, we say yes!


Advice n°3: how to make known your blog?

Writing a blog is good, but writing a blog with traffic on it is better. That is why, you have to work on a way to make known your blog. And there are many ways!

Social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram… nowadays, communication tools became essential, especially for bloggers! And they are a real advantage if you manage to create a community around you. Share, exchange, like and take an interest in what others do. 

Backlinks or external links: the majority of your traffic will probably result from organic researches! With a quality content, you will increase your chances to obtain natural links from external websites. 

White papers: white papers are a type of content which really works on blogs. Buy they require a real investigation work and a lot of time. If you are too in a rush, your information could be not enough detailed. 

Update your contact details: business cards, social networks, mail signature, etc. Put your blog address where you can and highlight its professional aspect. 

Do guest posting: offer to blogs and influencers a tailormade article. A useful visibility for your blog and another experience in content creation!


Advice n°4: writing a blog is long, so do not be desperate! 

It often needs a year and a tenacious work to have a minimum of 200 sessions per day… so do not throw in the towel! Stay motivated and think to post regularly on your blog. What is the best when you start a blog? Post one article every two days at least for a few weeks. Then just try to find your rhythm.

Blogger’s days are often long, but there are only positive things. Not the pay in a first time (it is not easy, it takes time), but an experience sharing and enriching feedbacks. The blog can also bring you other opportunities, especially on a professional plan or about businesses. 

So, well prepare your strategy, be regular and everything should be right!

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