For digital addicts who always search free pictures for their blog or website… Esokia shares its favorite sources. Make your pages more sympathic and attractive with pictures!

 And above all, avoid the risk of using the pictures with copyrights and all the problems which go with that. Image banks that we present to you guarantee free pictures that are also copyright free. No more trouble, you will now easily find inspiration that you seek. 


How do copyrights work?

There are two types of licences with different copyrights depending on what do you want to do. 

1/ Non-commercial websites: if you just want to share a picture on a non-commercial website, you can use pictures with Creative Common licence (CC)and just precise the name of the author. 

2/ Commercial websites and pictures modification: if your website has a commercial purpose or if you want to modify the picture, you will need to use pictures with Creative Common BY licence and mention the name of the author when it is possible. 

You have understood it, the second licence is the one which gives you more freedom. Are you ready? Our top 5 include free pictures banks with both licences.


Pixabay: the most known

Pixabay has an incredible free pictures bank thanks to its big community from all over the world. The website counts more than one billion pictures. There are various topics and everybody should be able to find what he is looking for. 

What we appreciate: thanks to its big community, new pictures are regularly added to Pixabay. 

Licence: Creative Common (CC)


Unsplash: the agencies’ favorite

When we are on Unsplash, we understand quickly why this image bank (almost 200 000) is one of agencies’ favorite… Image quality is really good. We look, we imagine, and we create more easily. 

What we appreciate: that is especially the incredible beauty of some pictures. Thank to the contributors for their work!

Licence: Creative Common BY


Gratisography: the most fun

Do you need pep and fun on your website? We have found the perfect website with 100% free pictures. A real professional work! All pictures are taken by the artist Ryan McGuire. 

What we appreciate: pictures are unique. They give a real advantage to your website, and a touch of humour which will galvanize graphics that are too classic.  

Licence: all pictures are free, copyright free and in high definition!


Freeimages: the good option

With almost 400 000 free pictures, Freeimages is a really good alternative for Pixabay and it shares several characteristics with it. Pictures are of the good quality, there are pictures on many topics and navigation is easy.

What we appreciate: the image diversity and the proposition of pictures that are not free on Istockphoto, which can inspire us also.

Licence: pictures are free and copyright free.


Foodiesfeed: the most gourmand

Be careful, do not watch it before eating! Foodiesfeed presents a large free pictures variety which makes you want to eat all of it. Gourmet, healthy, bright pictures are perfect for culinary bloggers, well-being bloggers, and all websites from the same field of interest.

What we appreciate: we are gourmand, so we could not forget to mention this image bank!

Licence: Creative Common Zero. All pictures are free and copyright free. 


If you haven’t found the inspiration with all these free pictures, there is always the solution where you have to pay. However, we recommend you to have a look on image banks in this article. Do not hesitate to search in order to find the perfect pictures which match with what you want. 

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