You probably heard about UX and UI, also called user experience and user interface. Even if they are different, UX design and UI design are often confused, and their recent status does not help for better understanding. Esokia brings you the clarification on their meaning and their functioning. 

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UX / UI: what is the difference? 


UX design

UX design refers to the user expectations and user needs for a website and/or mobile application creation. It is about taking into account the user feelingwhen he is surfing on your digital device. Main goal of UX design is to improve the user experience to make it enjoyable and instinctive. 

With UX design, the navigation is optimal and going smoothly. There is no place for lack of understanding. That is why it is important to analyze the users emotional point of view.

Three words have to be remembered when creating a website and/or mobile application: understanding, optimization, satisfaction. With UX design, you will spare yourself from dealing with the most annoying problems, and you will participate with improving your traffic. 

Magnus Revang summarized the user experience with 6 steps:

  • A website which can be find easily: that is why it is necessary to optimize your SEO
  • A website which is accessible on all devices
  • An attractive design: think about your style guide
  • A website that is easy-to-use
  • A credible website: users have to be reassured
  • An effective and tidy website


UI design

UI design is used to improve the user interaction with a product. UI can be found in each step of your website and/or mobile application development, except research one. It helps with stimulating user engagement, therefore there are several tools that should be used to reach this goal. 

Unlike UX (which includes UI), UI is more focused on the visual aspect in order to catch the user’s eye and encourage him to stay on the website page. Be careful, your website has to stay effective! User must understand immediately what is it about. UI is there just to facilitate the navigation. 


UX / UI : how does it actually work ? 


UX takes place before UI and application development. If you're still confused about how these two work together, the diagram below could help you. 

ux ui

UX designer starts to work before the rest of the team. 5 steps have to be respected: 

  • Definition of a strategy: this is the place where all reflection on user and their expectations start, you should ask yourself why are they visiting your website or your mobile application. 
  • List of needs: and especially the list of things which could/couldn't be done.
  • Structure definition:  at this point we are preparing plans and trying to put ourselves in user’s place.
  • Creation of the first diagrams: this is where the drawing of the wireframes intervenes in sketching.
  • Design creation: it is here that UI designer starts his work to harmonize decisions made by UX designer with a focus on technology.

Even if these two processes are sometimes confused, distribution of tasks between UX designer and UI designer is quite clear. But, UI has to consider some UX aspects on its work:

ux ui


UX and UI are connected concepts. They have to be included in the creation process of web agencies. At Esokia, we work closely with our UX and UI designer to give you the best service you can find. 

And in search for optimization of your website and its content, have a look on our other articles:

You can also see all our achievements here.

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