Web 3.0 or Web3 represents the natural evolution of the famous World Wide Web (www). Indeed, the main information system of the Web is evolving with the times and is now based on the latest technologies. Users can now rely on artificial intelligence and machine learning to find the most relevant information.


Web 3.0 at a glance

Although the idea is still vague, experts must be relied upon to provide a current and accurate understanding of Web 3.0. What must be kept in mind is:


  • Web 3.0 represents the next evolution of the Internet and relies on decentralization, blockchain, crypto-currencies, autonomy, artificial intelligence and machine learning among others;
  • It is the descendant of Web 2.0, too, of which it keeps some characteristics while having its own features;
  • Unlike Web 2.0, which is based on a read-write operation, Web 3.0 opts for a choice of two formats, read-write-property or read-write-execution;
  • Web3 does not mean the immediate or even permanent disappearance of Web 2.0!


What are the main characteristics of Web 3.0?

Decentralization, blockchain, crypto-currencies, autonomy, artificial intelligence, these are the foundations on which Web 3.0 is based.



While centralization was the rule for applications and governance with Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, this is changing with Web 3.0, which is expected to be decentralized. This means that applications and services will be distributed, without the need to go through a central authority.


The creation of decentralized applications and services has a unique engine: the blockchain. This technology allows data and connections between services to be distributed in a different way than the centralized database approach. With the blockchain, developers can also create a single record of transactions and activity, providing verifiable authenticity in a decentralized context.


Oubliée la monnaie fiduciaire, place désormais à la crypto-monnaie, qui va devenir l’une des caractéristiques essentielles des services estampillés Web 3.0.

Artificial intelligence to power autonomy

Web 3.0 is autonomous, for that, it relies on artificial intelligence.

What are the differences between Web 3.0 and previous versions?

Regarding the natural evolution of the Internet, Web 3.0 was preceded by a version 1.0 and another, 2.0. 

Le Web 1.0 

This was the first phase, which allowed users to access most of the Web in read-only mode. In other words, they were able to consult the content offered, but without being able to interact with it. The content in question was delivered on news sites, portals and search engines.


Web 2.0

This is the web as we know it today with all the possibilities of interaction it offers us: commenting, sharing, liking, etc. Web 2.0 has also signaled the entry into the arena of online advertising, the creation of customer databases, and therefore monetized content.

What promises does Web 3.0 make?

Like any evolution, the arrival of Web 3.0 is accompanied by a plethora of promises for users and Internet actors in general.


The possibility to create a transparent and open network

As an open network, transparent and accessible to all, Web 3.0 programs and applications are developed with open source software. Moreover, the latter are more and more popular, like the Drupal CMS or the Laravel framework, used by the developers of the Esokia web agency.

A secure ecosystem

While with Web 2.0 the control of data is centralized with platform companies, the deal changes with Web3. With the implementation of intelligent protocols based on the blockchain, this control will pass into the hands of individuals. If this system can raise questions about trust, the need for authorization and security, it is not the case, quite the contrary, say specialists.


The disappearance of intermediaries

Thanks to Web 3.0, customers can exchange directly with merchants, without having to go through intermediaries. This concept already exists, thanks to non-fungible tokens, which make it possible to buy static digital creations. This mode of operation should be extended to musical and cinematographic products, etc.

A truly personalized experience 

At a time when we are talking more and more about the metaverse, Web 3.0 seems to be the right place to erase the borders between the material world and the virtual universe. This is achieved through Artificial Intelligence, which allows, for example, businesses to refine the targeting of their target audience, and thus to offer relevant services and products to the right people.

A financial boost for content creators

Thanks to Web 3.0, users who create content will finally be able to reap the financial rewards of their work. In the meantime, because of the current centralized context, the financial benefits continue to go directly to the platforms on which they publish their creations.

In conclusion

Of course, no exact date exists to date to mark the concrete passage from Web 2.0 to Web3. It is a slow evolution, which occurs naturally...

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