Software development: why, when and how?

The development of computer software must be part of the digital and commercial strategy of the company. With this specialty, the company adds a communication channel to its arsenal and meets the needs of today's consumers.

How does computer software development work?

Computer software development encompasses all the steps that allow programmers to create computer programs. This is known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which consists of:

  • The conception ;
  • Specifications ;
  • Design ;
  • Programming ;
  • Documentation ;
  • Testing ;
  • Error correction


When taken together, these stages give the company another tool to help it reach its main goal: offering a one-of-a-kind experience for its audience.

Why use computer software development?

We do not repeat it enough: software development is a strategy in and of itself for today's business. This specialization, which has a digital and commercial focus, allows the organization to:

  • To differentiate from the competition ;
  • To gain in competitiveness ;
  • Improve the customer experience.


On this last point, by choosing a software development agency recognized for the quality of its work, the company has an innovative, feature-rich, secure, productive and efficient tool.

The process through which programmers generate computer programs is known as software development. The software development life cycle (SDLC) is a series of phases that give a way for generating products that meet technical criteria and user needs.

When should you hire a computer software developer?

In the age of massive digitalization, online marketing has become an essential practice for companies, regardless of their size and sector of activity. The website coupled with the online application allows impacting more strongly than ever the clientele, but also to build loyalty. For this, it is essential to offer tools that work, well-designed, thanks to a software development handled by a provider who masters its subject.

Esokia is your web development agency! Thanks to our expertise, allow your company and your brand to stand out from the competition.

Is it truly necessary for my organization to produce computer software? The answer can only be yes. You can do the following with a well-designed platform and mobile app:

Increase the visibility of your brand by distributing it to both PC and smartphone users to promote your business.

Improve your sales and services by receiving feedback from your customers.

Establish a direct line of connection with your customers to raise brand awareness.

Increase customer engagement by providing them with tools that are beautiful, useful, straightforward, and simple to use.

Increase your firm's influence while saving time and money: you can contact your company at any time and from any country on the earth!

développement de logiciel informatique