A great moment, even though it may be stressful, the launch of a website is an event important enough for the company to devote time and resources to it. Whether it’s the result of a redesign or a development in every sense of the word, a new website requires a precise advertising and promotion strategy - prepared in advance, by people with all the skills in the field. Here are the steps to follow to succeed!

Good to know

To present a new website in good condition, stay in "maintenance mode" for the entire design. This will prevent indexing and listing in conflicting search engine results, as well as inconsistent SEO.

Website launch - The Steps to a Successful Ad and Promotion

Launching a website is not just about putting an interface into production. A powerful communication tool for the business, a website is an intersection of design, architecture, ergonomics, content - all at the service of the user experience. Here's how to prepare for your ad and promotion.

Preparing a website launch

Creating a detailed list

Who does what and when? Each item must have a specific place in the website launch schedule.

Choosing a website launch date

The launch date for a new website should be set in advance and leave enough room for research, design and development teams to complete their tasks.

A test replica of the new website

Hosted on a private server, the test website allows you to check, modify, improve, optimize each gear before presenting a new website.

Confirming test procedures

Are the components of the website to be put into production working as planned? Test procedures must be ready to be followed to track bugs and make improvements quickly.

The improvement of the website once in production

In response to user interactions, opinions and feedback, as well as updates and the overall behavior of the new website, it is essential to anticipate improvements. Web agencies typically offer web maintenance services that include managing website developments.

The list of emergency numbers

Who to contact in case of emergency on the day of the website launch?

The tests

Site speed, image quality, forms, links, etc., are to be checked.

The SSL certificate

It is used to validate the identity of the website and allows the use of HTTPS protocol for secure data transfer.

Backing up an XML and relevant sitemap to the server

Essential to SEO optimization in SERPs, the sitemap is not just a simple site plan. Esokia helps you improve your SEO on Google.

Configuring filters for internal traffic

Website filters should not take into account the IP of internal traffic analytics.

The intervention of the company’s lawyers

The legal team writes the site’s privacy policy and ensures that the site complies with all intellectual property laws.

The load test

Is the server robust enough to handle traffic when it is at its highest level of load? An upload test will ensure that your site is able to meet your traffic goals. Beyond that, do an SEO Audit to analyze the SEO configurations of your site, improve the quantity and quality of your traffic!

Just before launch

Repeat the tests to make sure no bugs remain, and correct any bugs that have occurred in the meantime.

Announcing and promoting a website launch

Announcing and promoting a new website is a fundamental new chapter. Without these actions, the launch of the website will have no impact and will not attract any new visitors.

Announcing the launch

Unstoppable, social media is now the main tool for announcing a website launch. Before you launch, create a Facebook page on which the company will build to build a strong and loyal community. You can also keep the public informed of any news that might interest them, on Instagram and Twitter. Your announcement can include videos, stories, written posts, add CTAs (Call to Action) to generate concrete interactions.

Take advantage of email campaigns : with your existing database, inform your network of the website launch by highlighting what's new and important.

Finally, paid advertising, based on a good SEO strategy is an excellent source of traffic. For high-performing, cost-effective Google Ads campaigns, request an Esokia SEA Audit.

Promoting the new website

The announcement of the new website made, the rest of the operation is to promote it, to generate talk about it. This involves several concrete actions:

Creating a blog : Creating a blog allows you to add unique content on a regular basis and in a sustainable way, and above all, to promote visibility and get backlinks. These articles may cover customers’ most frequently asked questions, detailed products or services, the company's actions in favor of the environment, society, as well as the promotion of your industry in the region, and so on. Finally, articles are an opportunity to create an interesting internal link when relevant, to other pages on the site. Esokia accompanies you in the art of communicating and thriving on the web through content writing !

Website link : Give easy access to the new website link by including it on online directories and social media.

Make a list of the available features : offer a list of the 5 essential features of the new website and offer your audience (on your blog or social media) to discover it.

Add link to signatures : Since each employee is an ambassador for the company, they can include the link to the new website in their email signature.

Inform the LinkedIn community : With hundreds of millions of users, professional social networking is a big plus when it comes to introducing a new website. Again, employees can include this link in their profile.

In conclusion

Launching a website is an essential step for the business, also, good preparation and support are necessary for its success. Between the actions to be taken upstream, then the announcement and last, the promotion, the company has to implement a large amount of resources, both human, financial and technical.

Today, for a smooth digitalization, presenting a new website does not have to depend on budget factors that can reduce the quality. This is why many companies choose to outsource their SEO or SEA audit or content writing. Esokia is a website creation agency present in 4 strategic countries: France, Mauritius, Madagascar and Serbia. We have an expertise entirely dedicated to the realization of your project. Contact us!

Lancement site internet  préparer, annoncer et promouvoir