Cybersecurity: protect yourself from IT & digital threats!

Cybersecurity: computer threats are real!

Cyber threats are plentiful and cyber attacks are multiplying by the day. In this context, what can you do to protect yourself? Cybersecurity, also known as computer and digital security or information systems security (ISS), is an important practice in the digital age.

Next.js as a framework for Drupal: uses and advantages

Why opt for a Next.js Drupal association?

Using Next.js for Drupal front-end development? Though this idea may seem strange, many web developers are campaigning for the use of this open source framework. For what reasons exactly? Simply because it includes all the tools needed to create a next-gen front-end for any Drupal site. Good news when you know that the future of Drupal is “headless”.

What is the use of Next.js in web development?

Next.js is an open source React framework used for developing single-page Javascript applications.

Web pentest: what are the common computer threats?

The web pentest or intrusion test is a proven methodology. By including it in its best practices, the company has a real-time qualitative assessment of the level of security of its IT infrastructure (web servers, front/back-office applications, web services and APIs, database server), before the hackers.

What are the most common IT risks to business?

Companies whose IT system has security vulnerabilities take serious risks that could harm their image, their finances, their legal responsibilities (GDPR, etc.). What are the most common attacks?

Website launch: how prepare, announce and promote it

A great moment, even though it may be stressful, the launch of a website is an event important enough for the company to devote time and resources to it. Whether it’s the result of a redesign or a development in every sense of the word, a new website requires a precise advertising and promotion strategy - prepared in advance, by people with all the skills in the field. Here are the steps to follow to succeed!

Cloud web hosting to accelerate your digitization!

Cloud or cloud web hosting has not finished gaining popularity in the face of the galloping digitalization of companies. Why is it high time to trust this service? What does it do and above all, what can it bring? Esokia, a specialist in the field, explains to you what the advantages of “cloud hosting” are for your company and how to make the most of it.

Quel budget marketing pour un site internet ?

Vous souhaitez établir votre plan de budget marketing mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre pour changer la stratégie de votre entreprise ? Vous souhaitez simplement revoir votre budget de marketing voir même planifier un nouveau budget pour un nouveau projet marketing ? Vous avez tout à fait raison car beaucoup de spécialistes pensent comme vous .

Le Petit Journal

Le Petit Journal is a free and independent online news website mainly for French expats worldwide. Its provides general and local information for more than 60 regions around the Globe.

Technologie : Drupal

Date : September 2017


Esokia, the Drupal specialist celebrates 20 years of this leading CMS

Drupal is undoubtedly one of the most robust CMS on the market. Its longevity, but especially its popularity among developers and web development agencies around the world is a testament to its longevity. On January 15, 2021, the foundation of Dries Buytaert celebrated its 20th anniversary and it is the perfect time to reflect on my experience with Drupal, the evolution of the tool and its use at Esokia.
